What is FootGolf?

First things first: what is it, and why do I want to play it?​

It shouldn’t be difficult really. If your friend was standing 50 yards away, you could get a football to them, couldn’t you?  But the thing is…that’s not your friend. It’s a flag.  And this isn’t football.  This is FootGolf.

Flags can’t take a couple of steps to the side or take the unnecessary power out of your pass with a nice touch. And I’m very much afraid that you’re not as good at football as you thought.

Your friends are standing behind you. They’re sniggering because they know that over the last few holes you’ve developed a weird habit of slicing the ball hard from left to right. You try to block them out…

You start your run-up, but now you’re in several minds as to how you’re going to kick it. A deft chip? A measured drive? You opt for something a little more prosaic.

You run up and just smash it as hard as you can. The ball rises into the air and gently drifts from left to right, landing in the bunker with a dull thud and a puff of sand. Nice one, Pirlo.

There are many reasons why footgolf works, but ultimately it comes down to one thing: It should be easy and it isn’t. You’re forced to question everything you think you know about kicking a ball and you have to rebuild your game from scratch.

Just as in real golf, you quickly develop tactics that work for your game. And just as in real golf, you frequently discover that your game lets you down at the worst possible moment.

But unlike real golf, this is cheap to play and the only equipment you need is attached to the ankle of your preferred leg.